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Woofymonday was born of foggy, sunny, rainy, warm and all sorts of other walks in parks and forests, The idea came from need, the need turned into a process, the process became the end result - woofymonday - dog accessories for our best friends who never disappoint, hug to rush home after a full-time job. They turn even the biggest Monday into a pleasant routine. 


Woofymonday is not a Chinese or Indian product grown in a factory jungles, woven on a large production machine. It is a product made at home with a lot of love and time put into it. In every sense of the term - from idea development to work, since the whole process and the end result - woofymonday are handmade pieces, each seam can be different, every litter is made in Lithuania.


WoofyMonday's goal, vision and mission are all about being in a good mood and positive energy, because only together with it, you can move forward, smile, live. 

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